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10 Ways to Get More Followers and Likes on Instagram

Undoubtedly, today Instagram has risen to be one of the top social networking sites. Ranking 3rd, from Youtube and Facebook. With 500,000,000 active users it has certainly emerged as one of the most popular social networking apps in the world and they’re still growing. From clothing companies to musicians, people have tapped the power of Instagram to market and gain more followers that can get their daily updates. Yes, this social media app that allows users to share their pictures and video which makes it a great tool for marketing. So how do you get more followers and likes on Instagram?

Here are 10 easy ways to do it:

1. Use Popular and Relevant Hashtags. You don’t need to be an expert to do this. Instagram can help you determine popular and relevant hashtags for your photos or videos. The good thing about using the right hashtags it will help your photos get more views from other users. Your hashtags should be connected to your photo and your industry. Try to search in Google for popular hashtags related to your photo or industry. Some of the most popular one’s out there are: #photooftheday, #tbt (throwback Thursday) and #instadaily.

Don’t overdo your hashtags. A messy list of hashtags is not good. Keep it simple and savvy. Include about 1-5 relevant hashtags for each photo.

2. Post Things at the Right Time. Always keep in mind the time zone of your audience and the time they’re most often to use Instagram. In the morning and in the evening going home from school or work, is the most popular time for users to check out stuff in Instagram. The best time to post is on Wednesdays between 5:00pm and 6:00pm, that’s according to Simply Measured, an analytics company. If you’re a brand, don’t post in the middle of the night. On the average an Instagram photo can last for only 4 hours before getting buried in your followers’ feeds. Assume the downtime and the right time your audience are using Instagram. If you target high school students, post your photos during lunch breaks and in the afternoon. If you’re a business in the city, the rush hour could be the best time to post, since almost everyone check out their phone when getting stuck in traffic.

3. Ask Questions in Your Captions. This is a great way to engage your followers and getting more likes for your photos. You could get more comments by using this method too.

businessman thinking

4. Share Some Teasers. For businesses who are releasing products, share them on Instagram and you can even do this for upcoming events. Teasers are great to yield more likes and drive interest from users.

5. Use Instagram Video. A recently added feature to Instagram is the ability to upload videos. It’s the latest way for businesses to engage their followers. Different brands use Instagram videos to entertain, tell stories and spotlight new products to their followers.


6. Utilize Your Instagram Bio. Some people tend to neglect this. Use the space for your call-to-action, branded hashtags and web links. Your bio plays an important part for users to follow your account or not.


7. Work with a Guest Instagrammer. “Instagram celebrities” are  those people who have massive numbers of followers. They are also called influencers. Their photos can get thousands of likes and comments. If you’re a business or a brand, teaming up with an Instagram celebrity can be very beneficial. They can use your account to post photos or you can send sample products. This way their thousands of followers can get to know you as well.

8. Appreciate Your Followers. Share photos of your products taken by your followers. This encourages your followers to tag their photos with your business’ hashtag or even better mention your brand of business in their caption. This can be a great exposure for your business or brand.


9. Take Some Candid Shots. Your Instagram is the back-stage-pass for your followers. Sometimes it’s great to post candid photos, it more relatable for your audience. If you’re a business, highlight the behind-the-scenes in your office and employees. Featuring them is a means of transparency to your followers.

Two young adult girls sitting in a park and blow bubbles

Two young adult girls sitting in a park and blow bubbles

10. Ask Your Followers for Suggestions. If you want your Instagram account to get on most popular on the “Explore page” and you have enough followers, ask your followers for some suggestions for your next post. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Instagram has been a part of a marketer’s life. Through it, companies can showcase their own brand and captures audience that eventually turns into customers. Let’s leverage the power of Instagram by following the suggestions above. If you have other tips that are deemed useful to everybody, then by all means share it to us through the comment box below. And make sure to follow us @logicbaseinteractive on Instagram.

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