The Stardom Of Hollywood Limelight LogicBase Interactive Christmas Party 2015

The Stardom of Hollywood Limelight: LogicBase Interactive Christmas Party 2015

When the dinner was over, we had our party games. The first one was a Bring Me and sad to say, only a few had participated. I think it’s because most of us are full, satisfied and somehow lazy and sleepy since we just came from a huge feast.

group game

So in the next party game, MJ came up with an idea to have everyone participated. It’s time to be up and around and completely digest the foods we eat, so for the next party game, it was participated by appointed group members. The first group was composed of Jeff, Paolo, Nikki, and April. While the second one was composed of Cliff, Francis, Jan, and I.

The game mechanics was to answer the questions correctly as many as possible while the other team will have the chance to distract them from formulating a correct answer. Aside from the mind-boggling questions, we all became as busy as a bee as we started making noises just to distract each other’s team. It was really fun, especially when the other teams got distracted and gave the wrong answer.

But kidding aside, this game was also testing your focus in your ability to concentrate on important things despite the distractions and temptations you’re experiencing. In the end, Jeff’s team won over us with only a one-point lead. Whaaah! Tough fight!

group game

Another game conducted was the Word Find game. This time, the team was group into two. The first group was composed of Jeff, Cliff, April, Nikki, Rasul, miss KC. While the second group was composed of Paolo, Patch, Chris, Jan.

The mechanic was to create a set of words out from a given word. The word given to us is “Christmas” and we need to create as many words as possible (and it shouldn’t be repeated). We kept on throwing newly formulated words until one team had run out. Thankfully, we won!

Miss KC Acadeo

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