
A Priceless Day of Firsts: LogicBase Interactive LLC Christmas Party 2014

Together we grow and glow brilliantly, yesterday’s perfect theme. Blue and silver, yesterday’s perfect color theme.

Not different from other parties.  There’s a program being followed which was formerly prepared, an emcee on the one-step stage, plates, glasses, spoons and forks lain on the table, buffet is on the side, music’s banging ringing everyone’s ears, YET most importantly were the presence of the people who are inside the venue.

The company’s first ever Christmas Party was started with Miss MJ’s introduction that talks about the origin of Christmas and why it is being celebrated. In summary, it’s the birth of Jesus Christ. A heartfelt opening prayer was headed by April, preying for the party’s success. Followed by the welcoming and sweet-voiced Opening Remarks of Miss Yani where she explained the event’s themes. Together we grow and glow brilliantly. Miss Yani addressed the meaning of this to all of the working staff of the company. Not really her exact words, “Together we grow not by number but by the knowledge that we’ll gain in the company”, she iterates that the company will grow with people who have grown in terms of their attitude, behavior and relationship with each other. “Blue because it is the color of the company logo and silver that we can describe as shiny, brilliant”, Not gold or diamond because the company just humbly started and that to achieve them is just too far yet which is our biggest goal. To be well-known. For now, just taking the steps, one at a time. What was done after the welcoming address from Miss Yani was the lunch (since the party happened at noontime) with the disguise of buffet. The food was well-served that made everyone became literally full. A party won’t be called a party if there are no parlor games. Nikki from the Internet Marketing department won the cookie face game and Robert- Miss MJ’s plus one- won the sip a coke challenge. Then, Inspirational messages were delivered from Sir Bryan and Sir Edgar on which their talks were all about their past personal experiences and for the goodness and greatness of the company. Sir Bryan left us a quote from Larry Page that says “”Always deliver more than expected”, and Sir Edgar reminded that everyone was lucky. The awaited part, which was the exchanging gifts happened and everyone received their wished gifts. The party proper ended with Sir Jacob’s Closing Remarks, wishing everyone’s happiness and he hoped that everyone had fun.

The party caused everyone’s openness and tighter bond to each individual who came. Not to forget Miss MJ’s successful attempts to make everyone laugh. The stunning looks of Guilda and April. The impromptu punch line from Cliff which left everyone burst into laughing out loud including her plus one Christina. The unexpected ramp modelling of Nikki. And the waiting for the other batch of cooked rice to be served.

Picture taking can never be forgotten. The first pictures together were taken. The first stolen shots together were virtually printed. No price can pay the wacky and formal smiles that were captured in each of the slides in the camera’s memory card.

The night ended with the almost unending karaoke sessions which made everyone to showcase their hidden talents.

Yesterday’s firsts were priceless. Everyone’s presence were priceless. LogicBase Family is priceless. Indeed, a priceless  day of firsts.

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